Also this weekend i was feeding her peas and she hit my hand and look where the spoonful of peas landed. LOL!!!! I guess she told me of what she thought about peas.
Monday, July 27, 2009
An Army"Crawler" of One
This was a busy weekend for little miss Juliette. Well it has happen. Juliette is "army crawling". She can get from point A to B on her own will. I can't believe it. I don't know if i am ready for it but here we go. READY OR NOT!!!!
Also this weekend i was feeding her peas and she hit my hand and look where the spoonful of peas landed. LOL!!!! I guess she told me of what she thought about peas.
She also is starting to eat puffs (Jackson's favorite and he still likes them). Then we believe she is teething because no one in the house is getting sleep but Jackson. So the picture of her eating puffs makes it looks like she has got teeth.
Also this weekend i was feeding her peas and she hit my hand and look where the spoonful of peas landed. LOL!!!! I guess she told me of what she thought about peas.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Atlanta - Six Flags and Misc
We went to Six Flags on Sunday. Jackson had a wonderful time. Currently one of Jackson's favorite thing is Thomas the Train. So of course Thomas was his favorite thing. He rode the rapid water ride and a roller coaster with Jonathan. Juliette and i just hung out. We had fun.

Atlanta - Zoo and Varisty
We went to Atlanta last weekend. It was a last minute idea to go. The weather was beautiful, the high was in the 70's on Saturday (zoo and varsity) and low 80's on Sunday (Six flags). Very odd for July in the south, but great!! We had a wonderful time. Jackson's favorite was the elephant.

Monday, July 13, 2009
We went to Meridian this past weekend. We had a wonderful time. Jonathan took the kids to visit "The Gators" as Jackson lovingly calls them and i got to spend some me time shopping with my mom. I got a couple of cute outfits for me. We also got to go fishing. BunkBunk and Jackson finally caught a fish together. I actually caught some myself. The picture of the dog is my Dad's dog Hershey . When Jackson was finished showing off his fish, Hershey got to enjoy some sushi, LOL!!
We enjoyed ourselves. I am always sad when we have to leave.So i treasure the moments we get.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Juliette 7 months
My baby is 7 months old TODAY!! WOW!! How ti .......... (you finish the sentence, LOL). That is what i am going to name the book i write. I figured i had not taken a comparison picture lately. See how big she is getting.
7 month (almost to the minute, LOL)
4 months (17 weeks)
Ok 7 things I want to remember.
1. How much Juliette loves her Momma. She is a momma's girl. She loves her daddy but when momma walks by Momma better pick her up. She actually LOVES Jackson the most.
2. The only person who can make her LAUGH hysterically is Jackson. It is so funny. It warms my heart to see how much they love each other. I hope this last but Jackson is starting to realize she can get his stuff and he doesn't like that. So we are working on sharing (LOL).
3. Juliette is trying her hardest to get on all four. She wants to be on the go so bad.
4. She likes to be feed around 8pm at night. It is like clock work at 8pm she gets VERY fussy if she is not getting fed.
5. Juliette knows her name now. She will turn her head when you call her name. She goes by Juliette or Juju or Duders (my name for her, i am not sure why?)
6. EVERYTHING goes straight to mouth, i mean everything. Even the tiniest piece of dirt (or sand) she can pick up is in the mouth.
7. She still hates her car seat/pumpkin seat. Making it very hard to travel anywhere.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy Birthday America By Jackson
This is Jackson singing "Happy Birthday.....America". Sorry for it being turn wrong. He gets distracted by the cake, LOL!!
Happy 4th of July
We had a wonderful 4th. We went to the beach (Sandestin). We had a great time. Surprisingly Juliette loved the beach. I was expecting her to be like Jackson and not like the sand. I was wrong. She did cry the first time we put her in the water but i believe it was just the surprise effect more then the actual water. She was fine when we sat and let the water just roll up on her. She loved eating the sand also, LOL!!!Jackson had a blast also but he MUCH prefer the pool over the ocean. He is doing great swimming. I will post more pictures. OF COURSE there is a lot of them. I need to some work on the pictures but i still liked them.
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