Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Angelia and Matthew Thornhill
May 07, 2011 @5:30pm

It was a beautifule spring day! The day started out with a Bridal Brunch given by myself and a family friend, Jamie Seldenright. Then the bridal party (girls) got ready with our hair and makeup. Then it was off to the chapel (Church on Navy Base) by 3pm for pictures. Can you believe that Juliette and Jackson made the entire 3 hours without taking off their clothes? Then the ceremony at 5:30pm and reception followed. The wedding was breath taking. Angelia wore an Eve of Milady Dress, stunning! We wore magenta and blue dresses, with spring flowers. Angelia made a beautiful bride. My mother did a wonderful job in planning and putting this shindig together in 3 months! I was the matron of honor, Juliette was the flower girl, Jackson was the ring bearer, and Jonathan a groomsman.

I took the following pictures, the hired photographer of course did much better then I!

Getting Ready!

Family Picture Time!

Practice makes perfect. LOL! During the ceremony Jackson laid down on his pillow (the ring pillow) but at least he didn't move around. Other then he jumped in front of Matt to be able to see Angelia walk down the aisle. Juliette was able to sit with Jamie after her entrance.

The Happy Couple

The reception! Fun was had by all. We partied down dancing!

The Taylor's!
My Favorite Pictures!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bridal Portrait Session

I took some pictures of Angelia during her Bridal portrait session. I thought it turned out well. But the pictures the photographer took were to die for.


We had a blast at the rehearsal as well as the dinner. So much that my camera died in the beginning so i didn't get a lot of pictures, lol! At least my camera didn't die the day of the wedding. The rehearsal dinner was hosted by Matt's parents, Lisa and Chuck. At the Hilton.

Angelia's Showers

First Shower
Hosted by Crissy Porter
April 3

Family Shower

Hosted by Aunt Jeri and Aunt Donna

April 10

Bachelorette/Lingerie Shower

Hosted by ME - Jennifer

April 30
She got a lot! Lucky girl or should i say boy (Matt does all the cooking). LOL!!

Angelia and Matt

This has been one busy year. But one of the most important events is that my baby sister, Angelia got married. She married her high school sweet heart Matt Thornhill on May 7, 2011. She is now Mrs. Angelia Thornhill.

So the upcoming post are about the events of the wedding!

Easter 2011

Easter was a blast. We colored Easter eggs, had a Easter egg hunt and enjoyed being with family. We even flew kites! The Easter Bunny must have been tired after he left our house but at least his bag was a lot lighter. Jackson got a scooter, sleeping bag, golf clubs and candy. Juliette got a scooter, sleeping bag and candy. I loved the sock bunnies the Easter bunny left, so cute! Thank you Easter Bunny (bock bock).

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pre-Easter Pics

Before Easter as usual i dressed the kids in appropriate entire for school! Juliette with Bunny ears and Jackson in a purple shirt (since i had to tone it down for since there is a dress code). Once he got to school they had a party and painted all of his class like bunnies! I hope you enjoy my baby bunnies!

Fun with Juliette

I tend to write a lot about what Jackson has going on. Its not that i intentionally try to write more about him. He is just older and has more organized events. All that said we have fun with our little one also! Ms Juliette is going to be one to watch. She has such a personality. She can talk up a storm and never shuts up unless you want her to talk. Her favorite thing to say is "I DO IT!" She is MS. Independent. She tries to do everything Jackson does and watches his every move. She is spoiled rotten and to tell you the truth i would not change that. We love you JUJU!!! I finally took her for her 2 year check up (yes about 4 months late!) I was late because i didn't want to take her during cold season and then i couldn't find a doctor i liked (which is a whole other story). So at 2 years and 4 months her stats are:

28lbs (30%)
31inches (25%)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

April 15 - Tim Mcgraw, Luke Bryan and The Band Perry

I was lucky enough to get to go to the Tim McGraw Concert. His openers were The Band Perry ("If i Die Young") and Luke Bryan. It was a great concert and when i say we got up close i mean . So close Sngeia could smell him, LOL! You ask how, well we have a great person behind the scenes, our dad. He let us get almost on stage. We had a great time. All three act were great. But the funny thiong is at the end of the concert they started playing rap music and everyone was leaving but Angelia and I keep dancing, LOL! FUN TIMES!!!