Thursday, August 12, 2010

Busting a Move

Well if you haven't heard the news, WE ARE MOVING HOME!!! Thats right we are moving back to Meridian. I (Jennifer) was offered a job with Mississippi Power. We thought long and hard about this move and I truly believe it was the toughest decision we have EVER had to make. It is truly bittersweet. I am excited, nervous, overjoyed, sad and so on. We have made some wonderful friends in Birmingham and for that I am gratful. I will miss them but i will be back to visit. Please pray for us as we move the family and readjust to small town living. My one big concern is the children and how they will adjust. Even though I know this is in God's plan (I know because how everything played out) I am still extremely nervous! Thanks for the memories, Birmingham!!! HERE WE COME MERIDIAN!!!!!
From this

To this
What more can I say?!
(meridian photos by Beverly Henson)

Congrats to ANGELIA!!

My baby sister graduated from MCC this past weekend. We are so proud of her! She graduated in cosmetology. She will be great in that profession!! Congrats and We love you Aunt Angelia!

Hot(6) Flags Over GA

We went to six flags over GA a couple of weekends ago and it was H-O-T. (Also now I know why Atlanta is called Hot Lanta, because it was HOT) We wanted to do something fun with the kids but I believe we can put this into the stupid column. We had a good time but we spent a lot of money and stayed a short period because of the heat. The heat made EVERYONE cranky! So lesson learned!!!! Jackson got to visit his favorite, Thomas!!!! What more can I say. Oh once we did that he was ready, LOL!!!


It's time for a Jackson story!!!! The other day Jackson, Juliette and myself went out to eat with BunkBunk and Nanna. Well I asked Jackson what he wanted to be when he grew up and responded with a "Gician". It took us a few minutes to figure out what he meant and only after he told us "With a hat and a wand". Finally Bunkbunk figured out a magician is what he was saying. Then once we figured that out he said "YES". Then he said "I am going to Abracadabra Juju" (aka I am going to make her disappear). "Then mommy I make you disappear and you go t space and Juju goes to Mars" ONLY a 4 year old! I love that boy!!!!

These picture are from a Birthday party he went to! It was at a gymnastic center and he had a great time!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

SHRIMP (so many meanings)

Well we took Ms Juju for her 18 mo check up, ok we were a little late, more like 2mo check up. She is doing good. Her stats 22lbs10oz (25%) and 32in (50%) aka SHRIMP. The dr was not concerned about her weight. But we mentioned that she got a rash on her face when we had shellfish. So her pediatrician recommend we see an allergist. Well we went to see one and he ran the prick test on her. The prick test consist of little needles with the allergents on the tips and they stick him in her back. She had 24 pricks (they do the pricks in groups of 8) with allergents of shellfish, fish, dog, cat, grasses, mold and dust. WELL guess what she is allergic to SHRIMP!!!!! So the dr said to just watch her close when around shellfish. Since she is young they would not do further testing until she turns 3 to see what the severity is. But he gives us a prescrip for an epi pen. He was also concern about her dry skin or eczema so he gave us 2 special creams/lotion we have to put on her daily. So now we have to carry around an epi pen and apply daily cream. I guess the saying goes be careful what you ask for!

So as you can read and as Jonathan told Juliette last night, "She just doesn't like eating her own kind, SHRIMP" LOL!!!!

Here is a pic from the past weekend. She had played so hard she sat in her chair and fell asleep! (Yes that is a paci which is getting pretty scary to watch her with. We thought she was playing with them but now we think it is becoming a habit. SO we have now hid them!)