Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby Update

We went to the Dr this morning for our 22 weeks checkup. Everything is fine. The heartbeat was 168. Also i talked my Dr into letting me go back for a sex determination sonogram (hehehe). The answer we got last time was not a positive. As Jonathan says I'm a planner and have to know. So Jonathan was gracious enough to let me go spend more money on making sure. Well, the verdict is in

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

(Just as an FYI, i just know that she will grow a thingy and be a boy when she gets here, HAHAHAHA). We still don't have a definite name. As you can see the vote is close, but not many people have voted. It will come.

I can' wait to meet our precious little girl!!! We go back to the Dr in 5 weeks for a check up. Then we go on October 1 for our 4D ultrasound. Again more money but well worth it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

BIG BOY BED and weekend

I knew this day was coming. My baby is growing up and i am excited but yet sad. Words cannot express how much love i have for him. I just hope he grows up to be a wonderful man just like his daddy.

Ok, back to the bed. Jackson is out of his crib and in a full size bed as of Saturday. TEAR,TEAR!! My parents came up this past weekend to help with several things, one being the bed. My dad and Jonathan worked like dogs this past weekend. The furniture looks great. We bought the bed from JCPenney's. You had to assemble the furniture, somewhat of a cost savings. According to my dad he sees why furniture can be expensive, because of the labor to put it together. He made me promise if i bought anymore furniture to buy pre-assembled. WELL they did a great job. The first night in his new bed was Saturday. He did well and he only woke up once during the night. The second night (Sunday) was the kicker for us. Trying to get a routine together is proving to be difficult. We usually start the routine around 8:45. As we did that night but before i would read him a story, rock him for a few minutes, then put him in his bed. Well we tried that to no avail. Finally after Jonathan and i tag teaming he finally was a sleep at 11:30. BUT he never woke up in the night. The last couple of nights have proved to be a little bit better. He falls asleep before 9:30. We will get this down pat just may take some time.

We also moved the crib and furniture into the other bedroom. Thanks to Mitch for helping to move the old furniture downstairs on Thursday. We have yet to decide on how we are going to decorate Baby Girl's room. I guess that will come but first we have to come up with a name (haha).

Also this past weekend Jonathan and Dad put our closet back together. Yes i mean back together. When we went to Disney and came back i walked into our closet only to find the clothes laid all over the floor. AAAGGGHHHH! So they fixed it and now it looks better then before. So as you can read Jonathan and Dad worked REALLY hard this weekend. THANK YOU!!!

I also want to tell you about what my WONDERFUL mother did for me. I called her last week on one of those days nothing was going right. I felt as if the stress i was under was about to break me. Plus being pregnant just adds to the emotions. I have not really done anything for the new baby. I know blue would not kill her but still. I had bought less then 5 outfits or stuff for her. So i was upset that she had no gowns or towels. Well my mom went out and bought so much. We know have A LOT of gowns and a couple of towels. So she basically gave me a private shower on Friday night. She bought the most beautiful stuff. I love my mom, i hope my children love me just as much.

Fun with Uncle Mitch and Bubbles

Mitch (Jonathan's brother) came to visit last week. Jonathan, Mitch, and Jackson had fun in the back yard playing around. We are going on vacation with Uncle Mitch and Aunt Lindsey in a couple of weeks, so i am sure i will have pictures to come with them. We love for them to visit.

King and Queen Ball

I was looking back and noticed I forgot to post pictures from Jackson's King and Queen Ball, that they had at school. It was cute. Jonathan and I both went to the school and got to eat a snack and watch him be a King. The event was held back in June.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Well this past weekend was so nice. So I finally convinced Jonathan to go to the zoo. We had a great time. We have decided that Jackson will be a navigator (or a leader) when he grows up. When he was in his stroller or Jonathan was carrying him on his shoulder he was saying "THAT WAY" and pointing, usually in a direction we couldn't go. I don't know where he gets his bossyness (word, spelling?). HAHAHA!!! Oh in his class the other day he got in trouble for telling all the kids (24 of them) that it was OK to RUN around the classroom. AND the teacher said that all the kids listened and followed him running around the classroom. She said it took a few minutes to get all of them to stop running because Jackson keep cheering them on (after he got caught). OH MY whats next!

Baking with Jackson

Ok as most of you now i don't cook very often. But since the whole pregnancy thing i have been craving sweets (yes it is a girl!). So i decided i had to have brownies, MMMMM. Oh by the way did i mention i have gestational diabetes or at least they are watching me for it (due to me having it with Jackson). SO it is absolute torture wanting something sweet and can't have it. BUT i still give in on occasion. Well back to the brownie story. I had just been to a Pampered Chef party and ordered the pan so i had to try it out. Well Mr Jackson had to help Mommy. He is a big help. He did a good job, here are some snap shots of us baking. The brownies were pretty good. Daddy is being good so he didn't have any, so just more for the rest of us.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Nothing New

It has been a slow week. Nothing new to post. Everyone is doing good. Jonathan and I are still in discussions on Baby Girl's name. I think this baby will not have a name because we can't agree. SOOOOO suggestions are welcomed. We are trying to come up with another "J" name but it looks like this may not happen.

Update on Jackson: WOW he is getting so big. I look at him sometimes and wonder where did time go. He is really starting to talk, better late then never :). We are starting to progress on the potty training. We are going to start big boy pants (elmo underwear) in the next couple of days. So say a little pray for us. Also we have bought his new furniture so he will be in his big boy bed by the end of the month. Wow, he has got a big month on milestones this month. I hope he doesn't regress.

I also forgot to mention about my mom. We are SO proud of her. She passed the real estate examine and is now selling real estate. YOU GO MOM!!!! I have attached her website so if you need a real estate agent in MS she can help you. Dianne Partridge

That is all my rambling for now. I'll talk/blog to you soon. REALLY we need suggestions on name so please let us hear from you!

Love, Jennifer