If you know us you know we love Mississippi State Football. Now that we are back in Mississippi it is easier for us to go to the games. This is one post of all the games so far (we only have one more we are going to after this). So needless to say it is going to be lots of pictures!!!! Both Jackson and Juliette can sing the song "Go State Go" Jackson can sing the tune. Plus they respond to "who let the dawgs out" by "woof woof". We love it! Jackson says "Go States Go" or "Go Stakes Go"
Jackson got to be on the jumbotron for the Chevron game (racing cars). Him and Juliette were running around and a lady walked up to me and said "Is that my son?" I thought for a split second should i claim him?! LOL! But I did and she proceed to ask me if I would let him be on the jumbotron. He didn't win but he didn't care, he got a car (which to him was winning)and a $10 gas card!
Now mark my words they will both end up going else where (probably Alabama) LOL!!!!