WE ARE TRULY BLESSED!! This Christmas was filled with Family. And I loved it! We got to visit with just about everyone on my side of the family. We had four separate Christmas gatherings. Chris and Machelle got to come for a few hours and i enjoyed that. Wow how I miss my Chris and Barbra (I love you guys!). Then we got to have Christmas with Aunt Linda and Granny. Next was the visit with Santa's loot and Nanna and Bunkbunk christmas. Then we went to Monie and Papaw's and last but not least we had the Taylor Christmas. SO we eat for two days straight. But the bad part was Jackson was sick (he had a fever virius that turned into bronchitis). But it didn't slow him down much maybe to 90mph instead of 100. The kids got more stuff then i can list, they got everything they asked for and more. I (Jennifer) got a lot also as well as Jonathan did to. Thanks to everyone! We love you all! 
A funny story, Jackson was opening a present from Nanna and it was in a white box. He looked at Nanna and said "Nanna you got me a white box ?!" Oh if he only knew how blessed he is!

The loot!