As the title states if you don't like it (which i don't see why) speak now or forever keep your mouth shut. I know this was not a choice in the voting. Jonathan and I just could not see eye to eye on any of those names. But just for FYI the winner was Julianna (which is close to what we chose). Thanks for voting and thanks for the suggestions. We love the name we chose but as a disclaimer we have the right to change the name until she gets here. But we are pretty sure (98%)that is what it is. Plus we already have ordered some stuffed monogrammed (hahahaha).
We have also chosen the nursery decor. It is from pottery barn kids and it is called Sophie. It is pretty simple but pretty. We are painting the walls pale pink and using the same baby furniture (cherry sleigh crib) as what Jackson used.

As you can see we have made a lot of decisions this past week. It just took Jonathan and I time alone together to discuss ideas. Jonathan and i got to get away for the weekend and spent time with just us. It was nice but i really missed Jackson (thanks to my mom and dad for keeping him.) We also got started on our Christmas shopping since we will be a little busy closer to Christmas.
I am doing good, not much longer (13 weeks). We go to the Dr on Thursday it has been 5 weeks since we have gone. She is more active then Jackson was. She is already loving kickboxing or gymnastics. Sometimes i will be sitting and I literally jump because she kicks so hard. I love it!! I have truly been blessed to have been and being part of a wonderful miracle. Words cannot express the way i feel.
BUT before then we go to give our deposition on our lawsuit. As many of you know this has been awhile coming and i am ready for it to be over. I don't know what i can or can not say about the whole situation so I'll just state that hopefully our house we get taken care of. Maybe this stress will lessen after this week.
Well i think i have caught everyone up. We have been busy and will be busy this week. I'll post again with updates after the Dr appt.
I would love to hear from everyone on our decisions (good or bad)!
Good job guys! I have always loved Elise! I like the bedding too - very cute! I loved it in Laura's room so I can't wait to see it in Juliette's!!
I love Juliette Elise! Prepare for Romeo jokes from kids when she's older. Glad u guys are doing well. Talk to ya soon!
(Shannon Elise)
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