Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! We did! We stayed in Birmingham due to the little present we are expecting. It was nice, it was just us. I am proud of us! As time draws near I treasure ever moment i have with Jackson and Jonathan. We ate until we popped!!

Baby Update 36.5wk: We went to the Dr on Tuesday. Everything is fine. Her heart rate has started to decrease, it was 154. I am measuring 37 week, i.e... i am huge!! I am still 1cm dilated. She will be here soon!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jackson's 3rd Birthday!!!

Jackson's third birthday was wonderful!! We would like to thank everyone who attended. The PUMP IT UP Staff did a wonderful job to keep us all entertained. Between jumping, sliding, climbing, running fun was had by all ages and memories for a lifetime. By the time it was over we were all worn out. This is Jonathan's first ever post to the blog so please forgive me if not as informative as Jennifer, but Daddy is learning for when Juliette is coming which could be any day now.

Please Check out this site for all of the pictures from the party.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jackson's 3 year old Check Up

We went for Jackson's 3 year old check up yesterday. He did great! He weighed 40 lbs and his height was 40.5 inches. For weight that is the 95% and height is 97%. So he is just a big boy!!! The Dr told us that to expect him to be at LEAST 6'2" when he grows up. They also tested his vision and he can see better then Jonathan and I (hahaha). They did this by putting a patch over one eye and stepping about 12 feet away and he had to identify the pictures. When they put the patch on his eye he looked at the nurses and said "I a pirate, uurrrrggg" and put his fist out. Everyone laughed. He got a good report. The dr did recommend we see a speech therapist for his annunciation but that he was right on target just may be an issue later. So we want to nip it in the bud early. So we have a happy and health 3 year old!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Baby Update - 35.5 wks

We went to the Dr today! Everything is looking good. Her heart rate was 164. My blood pressure and blood sugar looked good! Still 1 cm dilated. So we are still on track for December 8th.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

4D Comparision

As time grows closer for Juliette to be here i am really starting to wonder who she will look like. So i finally pulled Jackson's 4D ultrasound. SO what do you think?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Being a Big Brother Class

So they have a class for everything now a days. If you know me, I love taking classes so i enrolled Jackson in the "Being Big Brother Class". It was this past Saturday at the hospital we will be having Juliette (and we had Jackson at). It taught me and Jonathan just as much as Jackson. The way they taught the class was a little off because they keep telling the kids "What NOT to DO" such as not poking their eyes out, which Jackson demonstrates in one of the pictures. But to their credit Jackson was the youngest in the class. We learned that Jackson will not be at the hospital that much because he pushed EVERY button and pulled on every drawer in the room. All in all it was a good if nothing else to show Jackson the hospital.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Baby Update - 34.5 wks

Well it has been an eventful couple of days!I started having contractions on Tuesday but i just kind of thought that was normal. The reason is that they hurt but not horrible hurt. (Keep in mind i didn't even know i was in labor with Jackson. So i have no idea what a "contraction" felt like.) But the contractions slowed down so i just figured i have a Dr appt on Thursday I'll just wait till then. Well i succeed at doing that. I went to the Dr on Thursday. But that Thursday morning i woke up with lower back pains (which is what i had with Jackson) so i was starting to get worried. I told the Dr what had happened. He checked Juliette's Heart rate which was in the 180 and 190. This got him concern on top of me hurting. He checked me and i was 1 cm dilated. SO he put me in the hospital to check out what was going on!!! We ended up staying until about 1pm yesterday (so half a day). I was having contractions, at first pretty regular (6 in a 30 minute time frame). So i had a shot which stopped them for about an hour then the started back up so i had to have 2 more shots. I forget what the shots where called but let me tell you, they made me feel like i was jumping out of my skin, i was shaky. Juliette's heart rate did finally come back down to normal (158 - 165). I did finally get down to just 1 or 2 contraction an hour. I told the nurses and DR when i got there "I would be leaving the hospital that day!!!" and i meant it. But seriously i am glad everything is back to "normal" and feeling ok. Everything else looks good. I go back for a check up weekly now. Oh and if your counting its 25days (including today).

See we know she is a girl because of all the drama she is causing!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am excited to announce that we have scheduled the CSection for......DECEMBER 8. I can't believe it is almost time to bring our daughter into this world. As i sit here and type this i have so many emotions running through my head. On top of all the hormones that already make me cry at a drop of a hat. I am excited, nervous, worried, blessed, scared and many, many more words of expressions. Time seems to have flown by but when think about time has really stood still (confusing i know). I have truly tried to enjoy and treasure this pregnancy.

Let's reflect (cloud....dreaming...) Jonathan and I started discussion in January on when would be a good time to starting trying for the second child. Since it took almost 2 years to get pregnant with Jackson we both were convinced that this would take at least a year maybe more. We had already knew we would not do everything we did to get Jackson here (when in the end none of the medical stuff succeeded). Our philosophy was if God want us to have another child he would provide (easy to type that now). So we started on what we thought would be a long trying adventure. The Dr (at my yearly check up in February) said it was likely that we would have to resort back to the infertility drugs (again do dr really know?). Well one evening in April i was not feeling well and i made the comment to Jonathan that wouldn't it be funny if i was pregnant (IN which both of use responded with a laugh) and we went about doing other stuff. Well that next morning i thought to my self (maybe to much info) when was i suppose to have my period, not really positive i decide i would take a test (which i had bought a lot of because i knew it would take them all). WELL surprise there was 2 LINES immediately almost as if the stick was screaming at me "you dummy, it is about time you tested". Keep in mind i try to get at work around 7:30 am so i get up a little before 6am. So i was half a sleep. Well that woke me up. I am not much for romance plus i was in shock, i busted open the doors to the bedroom, where Jonathan still lay asleep and scream "OH MY GOD I AM PREGNANT" to which my lovely husband respond (half asleep" "are you sure?" I immediately turned around grabbed the glaring pg test and said "You tell me". Then i busted into tears. I cried because i was excited, nervous, worried (all the same words i am today). We went to the dr that day (April 16) to confirm the test. This memory seems to have just happened yesterday. So in that sense this pregnancy has flown by.

Again fade into a dream..... The day we found out the sex of our precious gift from God. The appointment is set for July 25th (almost 19 weeks pg) at 2pm (Friday). The whole family has expressed their wants on the sex and the majority wants a girl. Jonathan really doesn't have a preference. I am riding the fence. A boy would be nice so Jackson would have someone his own sex to play with but A girl would be nice to because we already had a little boy. I was always told that your gut feeling is usually what it is. Well how do you separate your gut feeling with what everyone is saying (ie old wives tell and other people intuition). So i was nervous (very). As we get to the Dr i am past ready to find out. I lay on the table and the ultrasound tech starts doing her thing, to which we can't see at this point. She then turns the monitor and says are you ready, "Well of course". So she starts looking in that region, well the baby does not want to show anything, legs crossed. Finally the tech gets a quick snap shot and says "so, what do you think and shows us the picture on the screen, Jonathan does not respond and i just look at it and say "BOY?" she smiles and says "I think you are having a GIRL" I immediately place my hands on my face and start crying. As i look over to Jonathan he grabs my hand and laughs and what i thought was one tear in his eye and smiles. Then i hear in my head what she just said "I THINK". What do you mean you think, isn't that your job is to know!!!! So i say "Are you sure" and she responds that the baby is being modest and does not want us to have a really good picture. So she keeps looking and again says i am not 100% sure but 80% sure its a girl. Well if you know me, that's not good enough (my goodness 80%, an 80 is borderline C level). So she proceeds t tells use that i can come come back in a few weeks for a Sex determination scan to make sure. WELL dog gone it i wanted 100% or pretty close to it. So my next Dr appt i convince my dr to let me go back. Well Jonathan so graciously lets me go back at the cost of $100 to find out. That time we got closer to the 100% i was looking for and it was again confirmed at the 4D ultrasound. So if this baby comes out a boy it will be by the hands of god. Even though i have said since we found out i just know she will grow a thingy before she comes out, hahahaha.

But since we found out about the baby we have done a lot. Including me THROWING UP, ALOT!!!!!!! This year we have tried to dedicated as much time as possible to Jackson. We have been to Disney and to visit relatives. We have played, we have cooked, we have laughed, we have cried, and we have prayed.

So as i reflect on all the stuff we have done this year it seems like the time has been endless.

OK here goes my hormones:

To Jackson, I LOVE YOU!!! You will always be my baby and one of the true loves of my life. I wish for all the happiness in the world for you. Believe me when i say i understand what you will be going through over the next couple of months. I know you are just 3 and will not remember later on in life that there was a time before Juliette. People have told me for me to prepare myself for you to pull away but its hard. (WOW i have cried and it has taken me almost an hour to type this). I love you and i hope you know that.

To Juliette, I LOVE YOU! Mommy is so excited about you coming into our lives. I wish for you the same as i do for Jackson, All the happiness in the world. We look forward to you growing into being a Beautiful Lady both inside and out. I can't wait to meet you!

To Jonathan, I LOVE YOU!! Thank you for giving two beautiful children. I hope you know you are THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!! Also thanks for putting up with me during two pregnancy (HAHAHAHAH).

Ok i am through with the sappy stuff. I know some of this is personal but i plan on turning this blog into a scrapbook. And i want the whole world to know I love my family and treasure each moment i have with them. As i have reread my blog i know it sounds like i am going to die any day (I hope not). I just want to make sure that i express in words that i love them all and my feelings at this moment in time. Plus i am pregnant and all emotional.

I am sure this will not be my last ramble before the baby gets here.

Baby Shower - November 8

I would like to first start with saying, THANK YOU!!!! I have such wonderful friends. Thanks to Cathy, Kari and Danica for giving me a shower. Thanks to everyone else for coming and showering Juliette with such wonderful gifts! We are truly blessed!!!!

Happy Halloween

We had a GREAT Halloween!!! We got to go to Meridian to Trick or Treat. We all had a blast. We started the evening at Nanna's and GranBunk's (aka BunkBunk) house/neighborhood. Then we went to GranB and PoppaG's house/neighborhood! WOW at the candy he got! There was not a lot of people out but i think that is because this is the south and football is king (so everyone was at a high school football game). There was a house we went to and the person giving out candy was dressed up in a scary costume. Jackson got about 5 feet away from him and looked at him then the candy again at the man and turned and walked the other way. You could see Jackson asking himself if the candy was worth going to get, i guess he figured IT WASN'T, hahahaha. Jackson LOVED his costume he didn't want to take it off. He even ate his dinner in it, which was Pippa (aka pizza). He would say trick or treat but only after getting the candy followed by "tank you". By the end of the night he was hyped up on sugar and exhausted which the combination does not make for a HAPPY kid. But all in all we (including Grandparents and Aunt Angelia) had fun watching him run around saying "...and beyond" (he can't quit get the infinity part).

To my little man, BUZZ JACKSON, i hope you always have the imagination that keeps you as inquisitive as you are today. I also wish that you could remember the wonderful times that your father and I tried to give you. We love you and i hope you ALWAYS know that.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Disney On Ice - October 29

OK, I am trying to get caught up on blogging! We went to Disney on Ice the Wednesday before Halloween. Not the best Ice Skaters but Jackson didn't notice. Matter of fact one of the main character took a nose dive into one of the lights. Jonathan and I laughed but Jackson just clapped. I guess we should take "Be Nice" lessons from him. Jackson loved seeing Buzz, Mickey and Minnie. I just love to watch him when he is so interested in something, you can just see the wheels turning in his head. Oh the things we do for our Kids. Don't ask what he is doing with his tongue?! Read previous post about him being like his daddy with sticking his tongue out.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

BOO at the ZOO

We had a blast at Boo at the Zoo. Lesson learned from past years experience made this year full of fun. Lesson 1: Make sure Jackson gets a nap before hand. We ended up having to wake him up to go. So he was sleepy the first half of the visit but not grumpy. Lesson 2: Buy tickets before you get there. This is well worth the little bit out of my way early that week to get the tickets before hand. We did not have to wait in line to go inside. Lesson 3: Go the opposite way the crowd goes. When you come in you go right or left. GO LEFT. People have the tendency to go right, so go the opposite. Lesson 4: Get there right when the gates open. This is for good parking and not having to wait in lines for the rides.

So with all these lessons in mind we had a great time. Jackson loved everything. He really liked the SCARY carousel (which goes backwards - nothing scary).

Party Invite

Well we are getting ready ready for Jackson to turn the big 3. WOW my baby is turning three. I sent the party invites out last week and everyone loved them. I just hope people come. Here is the invite (i have blacked out some personal info, but if you know me email me and i can give you details). If i left anyone off the invite please let me know it is hard to remember everyone.