I hope everyone had a wonderful mother's day. I did! I got some books that i asked for. I absolutely love being a mommy, it is by far my most proudest accomplishment (never to be completed). (I consider Jonathan as my most treasured REWARD, hehehe.) It is hard to express in words what a mommy truly is. If you would have asked me 10 years ago if i wanted to become a mom you may have gotten a question mark. I love being a mommy just for the simple fact of waking up in the morning knowing i have a wonderful family who loves me and cares for me. I try my hardest to cherish every moment with my hubby and kids. I thank god on a daily basis for them. Even when Jackson or Juliette are being irritable I am thankful for them. I would not trade them for the world, even on their worse days. I love the kisses that Jackson gives every time he sees me and i love them when he is trying to get out of something(trouble). The out of trouble kisses tend to be longer and sweeter. I love the cuddles i get with Juliette. I know i am spoiling her when i rock her to sleep but it is well worth it. Being a mommy is wonderful but yet it is the HARDEST thing i have ever done. I hate to see them hurt. I hate to get on to Jackson ( i still know i have to though). I cry when Juliette gets her shots. I cry when Jackson falls downs and hurts himself. BUT i also cry (happy) when he brings me a flower or colors me a picture. When he says "mommy, i love you!" or just when he says "mommy" it makes my heart feel with joy. WOW being a Mommy is great, full of fun time, sad time, exhausting times, exciting times, and memorable times. Thank you GOD for allowing me to be a MOMMY, please give me the strength to raise them in your glory.
I would also like to tell my mom that she is a wonderful MOMMY. Without her i would not be the person/mommy i am. Thank you for teaching me how to love my children with unconditional love. I love you and Thank you!!!
Also to BJ, thank you for being a wonderful mom to Jonathan. He is a wonderful man and father because of the love, values and principle you taught him!