Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Juliette - 5 Months OLD

I know i say it a lot but WOW how time flies. My baby girl is 5 months old!! She started rolling one way about a week and half ago. But this weekend she figured out you can do it more then once. You can tell she is going to be a mover and a shaker (i could have told anyone that when she was in my tummy, i probably did). Ok to try and continue the things i like/want to remember about 5 months.

1. I love to hear her laugh. It just warms my heart. Jackson can make her laugh without even trying.

2. She loves to keep her hands in her mouth. I think she is teething and that feels good.

3. She has started rolling, already! ( i will add video of this later)

4. Jackson is really start to interact with her. He gives her a lot of kisses and loves to help me with her. He is still the poopoo patrolman. He calls her sister or Juju. I love that nickname so we have started calling her Juju.

5. She is a HAPPY baby. For the most part Juliette is happy. She smiles at just about everyone.

I love my babies.

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