This year is the first year that Jackson (and Juliette) has been to an official Easter Egg Hunt. AND we did 2 this year. The first one was at Nanna and BunkBunk's neighborhood. This was the funniest and most enjoyable one. Both Jackson and Juliette had fun and found a lot of eggs. Jackson is so sweet he found him some eggs then he helped his sister. Once Juliette figured out that something was in the eggs she started opening them all up as she found them.

The second egg hunt was quiet different. It was a public Easter egg hunt in Meridian. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! I have learned my lesson and refuse to ever do that again. They split up the age group, which was a good thing. Jackson was in the age group 4-7 and Juliette in 1-3. Well when the hunt started everyone took off (including the parents). I guess Jonathan and I are naive enough to think this was for the kids, boy we were so wrong. Once it started I put Juliette down and before I knew it the eggs around her were gone. So I quickly figured it out and had a chance to grab her 3 yes 3 eggs. Jonathan was in charge of Jackson and Jackson got 1 yes 1 egg. The whole egg hunt was over in less then one minute. SO yes we got a total of 4 eggs. Let me also tell you that there where 100's of eggs across 3 soccer fields for Juliette and 100's of eggs across 3 soccer fields for Jackson. I looked up and it was a bunch of parents picking up eggs. It was disappointing and somewhat disheartening. Jackson was mad so i ended up giving him Juliette's eggs and then we left. Bully was there and Jackson usually will hug him but he was so mad he wanted to go home. I will NEVER EVER go to a Public Easter egg hunt held in the city of Meridian. Whatever happened to common courtesy or for that matter common sense. To all those people at that hunt "THAT EASTER EGG HUNT WAS FOR THE KIDS AND NOT FOR YOU GRUBBY HANDED ADULTS!!!!!" We should have clued in when we saw PARENTS and their kids carrying walmart bags as THEIR easter basket! I use to be proud to call Meridian home and remember great things about that place. But it seems the more I go back the more I am disappointed. So sad!!! With all that I didn't get but 5 pictures because the hunt was over in less then a minute.

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