Thursday, June 17, 2010

18 months OLD

Our baby girl, Juliette Elise, is 18 months old. WOW! She is very active. She can say a lot (to much to list) but her favorite words are "Mommy" and "NoNo". She still loves Jackson the most. So it is definitely monkey see monkey do type of relationship. She is so sweet and LOVES to give hugs (not so much on the kisses). She is till teething and she is starting to bite kids at school (OH NO!). She loves to swing. She hates mandarin oranges (HATES THEM). Her favorite food is mac n cheese. HER FAVORITE thing to do is "read" a book. She will bring a book to be read and another and another to finally we have to tell her "no more books today" for which i feel bad. I am stumping her knowledge by not reading to her BUT when you reach reading at least 5 books enough is enough in one sitting. She is smart and can find things that are missing easily (because she is the one who hides them but at least she remembers).

To my baby girl:
Mommy loves you with all of her heart. God has blessed me with two wonderful children. You love your mommy because I can't leave your sight with out you screaming for mommy, but I absolutely love that. I have watched you grow and look forward to being your friend. Your beauty is both inside and out. Sometimes I stare at you just to make sure I can remember your sweat and beautiful features. My favorite time with you is at night when I rock you to sleep and I sing to you as you rub (an twist) my hair as you draft off to sleep. You will always be my baby girl. I love you!

1 comment:

Sarah Beth said...

Jennifer, she has gotten so BIG and BEAUTIFUL!!! It's so bitter sweet to watch them grow sooo quickly!