Jackson had his first Soccer Game this weekend. He was excited at first but then there was other stuff to do!! The ice cream man showed up with music and all, so Mommy had to shut that down. Mean Mommy! BUT PLEASE!!! I just asked the ice cream man nicely, I said "We have three years old playing soccer and they are not paying attention for the fact that you have your music going" so he turned it off!! Bunk Bunk and Nanna came to watch. The pictures make it look like he played but he played with everything but in the game!!! But he said he had Fun, so i guess that's the point (hehehe).
OH, I guess this makes me a SOCCER MOM!!!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Happy 15th Anniversary
Happy 15th Anniversary to my wonderful husband. Ok, so if you know Jonathan and I, this is not our wedding anniversary but it is the day (actually yesterdate) we started exclusively dating. AND yes it was 15 years ago!!!!I was a junior in high school and he a senior. Our first official dates was to a Brooks and Dunns concert at the Temple Theater. Little did we know 15 years later we would be married and have two kids. I love him more and more with each passing year. We don't have a romantic love at first sight story but we have the story of love grows stronger with each day. I look at him and my heart just skips a beat. When he touches me I still get chill bumps. I look forward to what the future brings us. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jackson Turf Tykes Soccer! Cone Drills!
Jackson is currently in Turf Tykes. Coach Rob is Great. This is his first introduction to Soccer. This sunday will be his first game/scrimmage weather permitting. Let's just hope they are not too hard on the handball rule because if they aren't Jackson might get a redcard in his very first game. As Coach Rob says though "He might be a great goalie!".
"Check It Out" by PooPoo Patrolman
Jackson's new phrase is "Check it out". As we are driving down the road he is usually telling me to "Check it out" if not that, he is giving me direction on which way to go and it is all ways "That way". He is becoming a little chatter box. I always ask Jackson when i pick him from school "So, Jackson how was your day?" and he responds with good or "played outside". Well the other day i was laying in bed and he crawled in the bed with me and said "So, Mommy how was your day?" I just looked at him in shock and Jonathan started laughing. I know this was no amazing feat but he struggles with full sentences ( he can say any word (maybe a little distorted) but just HAD a hard time putting them all together). But there is negatives to learning to talk a lot, one being the not so pleasant phrases. I just know there will be bad words come out of his mouth, so we try our hardest to watch what we say or what we watch on TV. Currently he has started the phrase "I can't do it" usually this is when he is tired and is being lazy. The other day we went to the galleria (mistake one) when he had not had a nap (mistake two). We were there less then 30minutes, but as we are walking out the door he gets upset and lays down screaming "I can't do it" and crying because he had to walk to the car. Poor baby, my heart broke for him. So i hate the words "I can't do it". With all this said his progression is wonderful. The speech therapy is HELPING out tremendously. He is becoming such a big boy. WOW how time flies. He is so much fun to be around and to watch him try to figure things out. He is so funny with the questions he ask and the tales he tells.
The question I get most often is "How is Jackson with Juliette". Well Jonathan has officially named him the POOPOO Patrol or the Crying Police. Jackson, I believe loves his baby sister. He is always kissing on her or wanting to pick her up. Juliette loves her swing so she tends to be put there so I or Jonathan can go do something. Jackson goes over to kiss her and SCREAMS "Daddy - baby sister poopoo baby sister poopoo" followed by a prompt "Stinky Stinky" . I can't type it as funny as it was. IE the PooPoo Patrol. When she is crying in her bed and we are downstairs. He runs to the monitor saying "Baby crying mommy, baby crying". I think he thinks she is in the monitor because the monitor is on the opposite side of the house. So if you go away from the monitor he starts screaming "No" and pointing to the monitor. So we have to explain we have to go up stairs to get her (away from the monitor). He looks out for her but as always all good things will come to an end, I am sure when she starts getting into his stuff. But i will live in bliss until that point.
He is doing great in school. He can count to 15 for sure and with help to 20. He has trouble with 2 of all numbers. He likes to count like "1-8-3....." So we have to start over and do "1-2-3....". We practice his letters but he is going to be a numbers person. HMMMMM, i wonder why, could it be Dad is an accountant and Mom is an engineer? But we are working on it.
Wow i have typed a lot but i just figured everyone needed just a Jackson update. I just LOVE him so much. It is true your heart grows when you have two.
The question I get most often is "How is Jackson with Juliette". Well Jonathan has officially named him the POOPOO Patrol or the Crying Police. Jackson, I believe loves his baby sister. He is always kissing on her or wanting to pick her up. Juliette loves her swing so she tends to be put there so I or Jonathan can go do something. Jackson goes over to kiss her and SCREAMS "Daddy - baby sister poopoo baby sister poopoo" followed by a prompt "Stinky Stinky" . I can't type it as funny as it was. IE the PooPoo Patrol. When she is crying in her bed and we are downstairs. He runs to the monitor saying "Baby crying mommy, baby crying". I think he thinks she is in the monitor because the monitor is on the opposite side of the house. So if you go away from the monitor he starts screaming "No" and pointing to the monitor. So we have to explain we have to go up stairs to get her (away from the monitor). He looks out for her but as always all good things will come to an end, I am sure when she starts getting into his stuff. But i will live in bliss until that point.
He is doing great in school. He can count to 15 for sure and with help to 20. He has trouble with 2 of all numbers. He likes to count like "1-8-3....." So we have to start over and do "1-2-3....". We practice his letters but he is going to be a numbers person. HMMMMM, i wonder why, could it be Dad is an accountant and Mom is an engineer? But we are working on it.
Wow i have typed a lot but i just figured everyone needed just a Jackson update. I just LOVE him so much. It is true your heart grows when you have two.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy Birthday, NANNA!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patty's Day
We are not Irish but we still wanted to participate in the day's tradition of wearing green. Look how big my babies are getting!!!!
I want to share some Irish poems I found (The last one is my favorite).
Irish Blessings and Sayings:
-May you always have
Walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain,
Tea beside the fire,
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all your heart might desire!
-May those who love us, love us
And those who don't love us,
May God turn their hearts
And if he can't turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping!
-Dance as if no one were watching,
Sing as if no one were listening,
And live every day as if it were your last.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and may the LUCK of the Irish be with you!!!
I want to share some Irish poems I found (The last one is my favorite).
Irish Blessings and Sayings:
-May you always have
Walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain,
Tea beside the fire,
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all your heart might desire!
-May those who love us, love us
And those who don't love us,
May God turn their hearts
And if he can't turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping!
-Dance as if no one were watching,
Sing as if no one were listening,
And live every day as if it were your last.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and may the LUCK of the Irish be with you!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
One Crazy Weekend
We woke up Friday morning with what we thought was going to be an active weekend. We had tickets to the Davis Cup and to Cottontails. Plus it was going to be a beautiful weekend, in the 70's (crazy since last weekend it was snowing). But Jonathan didn't feel well so i told him to take his temp. Well he did and.... he was running a temp of 101.2. So i told him he could not go to work. He said he was not planning on it, that he was going to go to the Dr and get it taken care of because he was going to the Davis Cup. So off to work i went under the assumption he probably had a sinus infection (since i am a medical professional, hahahahahaha). Well i called him around 10am just so happen he was just leaving the dr's office. He then proceeded to tell me he was not going anywhere but to the pharmacy and home. After playing the guess what I have game (WHICH I HATE, you know the "Just Guess" game). He said "I have the FLU" you read it right he had the Flu. We even had the Flu shot. So i immediately went into the ok what are we going to do mode. I called my Dr (under the advice of his dr) and called the kids dr. My mom was coming to Bham to keep the kids so after long discussions we decide it would be best not to expose the kids any longer so we would go to Meridian. So my mom came up to ride with me to Meridian. (If i have not mentioned it Juliette can not stand to be in the car seat. She screams her head off if she can't see me. IE why mom came to ride home). So the kids and i spent the weekend in Meridian. Jonathan spent the weekend in misery, poor baby. So as you can tell nothing we planned happened. But i enjoyed spending time with family. Angelia enjoyed spending time with Juliette.

So on the ride home i get in the discussion with my mom on the stuff they sell at cottontails is cute but it is expensive. I don't sew but it looked like the stuff i buy/bought would be easy to make. So i got mom to sew Jackson an outfit. She did an AWESOME job. I hope there are more to come.

FYI Jonathan is feeling better. But i don't think he will be getting the flu shot next season (oh no).
So on the ride home i get in the discussion with my mom on the stuff they sell at cottontails is cute but it is expensive. I don't sew but it looked like the stuff i buy/bought would be easy to make. So i got mom to sew Jackson an outfit. She did an AWESOME job. I hope there are more to come.
FYI Jonathan is feeling better. But i don't think he will be getting the flu shot next season (oh no).
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
She Passed her Test but she is Sick
Juliette passed her hearing test on Monday. For those of you who did not know, Juliette failed her newborn hearing screening in the right ear. This is a test that all newborns in Alabama are administered. The Doctor told me that she probably failed due to fluid in her ear so not to be concerned. I tried real hard not to worry about it but what are mothers for if not worrying. During this past three months I have been observing her hearing abilities and had already figured out she could hear. So when we went to take the test on Monday the started by checking the ear for fluid and guess what, she had fluid on her right ear, AAAAWWWWW! So the audiologist recommend us not taking the test but Jonathan started asking questions and almost assisted they do the test. I was upset for the fact that i would have to worry a little more about not knowing. So after Jonathan persistence the audiologist hooked Juliette up to the machine and SHE PASSED. The lady said we got lucky, hahahaha, i considered it blessed. She recommend we go to the dr about the fluid. So we went that afternoon to the DR and low and behold she had an ear infection. We didn't even know it. She had a low grade temp 99.8 and the fluid was yellow (start of the infection). So the Dr gives us meds and i think she is feeling better. I guess she is going to inherit my ear problems, POOR BABY.
I also started back to work on Monday. It has been really hard. But i know we as a family have just got to establish a new normal. For some reason i am having a harder time with leaving Juliette. Thank you to all the people who have checked on me, your kind words and prayers are helping.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Happy 32nd Birthday to Mommy!
I HAVE HAD A WONDERFUL DAY AND WEEKEND!!! Jonathan took me and the kids to Atlanta and we had a great time. The only thing is no one told us that there would be a snow "storm" today. We drove through a "blizzard" to get home, hahahaha. IT was a blizzard to us at least. I have a wonderful husband.
This weekend we went shopping and to the aquarium. The hotel had a pool so we swam. Juliette was not thrilled, to say the least. Here are some pictures from my weekend. My favorite is Jackson and the alligators.
Jackson is really starting to be a chatter box. His saying currently is "check it out". Also he was telling us he wanted to watch the "chewawawa" movie (aka Chihuahua). It is hilarious when he says it.

This weekend we went shopping and to the aquarium. The hotel had a pool so we swam. Juliette was not thrilled, to say the least. Here are some pictures from my weekend. My favorite is Jackson and the alligators.
Jackson is really starting to be a chatter box. His saying currently is "check it out". Also he was telling us he wanted to watch the "chewawawa" movie (aka Chihuahua). It is hilarious when he says it.

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