Jackson's new phrase is "Check it out". As we are driving down the road he is usually telling me to "Check it out" if not that, he is giving me direction on which way to go and it is all ways "That way". He is becoming a little chatter box. I always ask Jackson when i pick him from school "So, Jackson how was your day?" and he responds with good or "played outside". Well the other day i was laying in bed and he crawled in the bed with me and said "So, Mommy how was your day?" I just looked at him in shock and Jonathan started laughing. I know this was no amazing feat but he struggles with full sentences ( he can say any word (maybe a little distorted) but just HAD a hard time putting them all together). But there is negatives to learning to talk a lot, one being the not so pleasant phrases. I just know there will be bad words come out of his mouth, so we try our hardest to watch what we say or what we watch on TV. Currently he has started the phrase "I can't do it" usually this is when he is tired and is being lazy. The other day we went to the galleria (mistake one) when he had not had a nap (mistake two). We were there less then 30minutes, but as we are walking out the door he gets upset and lays down screaming "I can't do it" and crying because he had to walk to the car. Poor baby, my heart broke for him. So i hate the words "I can't do it". With all this said his progression is wonderful. The speech therapy is HELPING out tremendously. He is becoming such a big boy. WOW how time flies. He is so much fun to be around and to watch him try to figure things out. He is so funny with the questions he ask and the tales he tells.
The question I get most often is "How is Jackson with Juliette". Well Jonathan has officially named him the POOPOO Patrol or the Crying Police. Jackson, I believe loves his baby sister. He is always kissing on her or wanting to pick her up. Juliette loves her swing so she tends to be put there so I or Jonathan can go do something. Jackson goes over to kiss her and SCREAMS "Daddy - baby sister poopoo baby sister poopoo" followed by a prompt "Stinky Stinky" . I can't type it as funny as it was. IE the PooPoo Patrol. When she is crying in her bed and we are downstairs. He runs to the monitor saying "Baby crying mommy, baby crying". I think he thinks she is in the monitor because the monitor is on the opposite side of the house. So if you go away from the monitor he starts screaming "No" and pointing to the monitor. So we have to explain we have to go up stairs to get her (away from the monitor). He looks out for her but as always all good things will come to an end, I am sure when she starts getting into his stuff. But i will live in bliss until that point.
He is doing great in school. He can count to 15 for sure and with help to 20. He has trouble with 2 of all numbers. He likes to count like "1-8-3....." So we have to start over and do "1-2-3....". We practice his letters but he is going to be a numbers person. HMMMMM, i wonder why, could it be Dad is an accountant and Mom is an engineer? But we are working on it.
Wow i have typed a lot but i just figured everyone needed just a Jackson update. I just LOVE him so much. It is true your heart grows when you have two.
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