Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!
I hope everyone has/had a Happy Halloween. For Juliette's first Halloween she will be Snow White. Jackson is going (on the streets) as Optimus Prime (for my formal pictures as a Fireman). I know i am crazy. I will post more about our Halloween night and Pumpkin Carving in a couple of days.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pumpkin Patch 2009
We made our annual visit to the pumpkin patch last week (Thursday Oct 22). We had a great time. I think I like going on a weekday. Jackson loved it, Juliette couldn't have cared less (LOL). The mosquitoes where like buzzards. Due to all the rains and the "sweetness" of pumpkins they were all over the patch. Next year i will take bug spray, hahahaha. One landed on Jackson's shoulder while he was talking to me and and I hit it (and him) to kill it. He gave me the meanest look and said "Mommy you hit me!" I had to explain to him why and he didn't get it and he keep saying "Mommy no hitting!!" It was quit funny as long as everyone knew why he was saying that, thank god he forgot about once we got back to a mosquito free zone, hahahahaha.
I think Jackson picked up every pumpkin in the patch, trying to decide which one he wanted. Finally he picked out a white one and a "baby" one for sister.
I think Jackson picked up every pumpkin in the patch, trying to decide which one he wanted. Finally he picked out a white one and a "baby" one for sister.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Boo at the Zoo 2009
We went to Boo at the Zoo on Sunday. It again quit raining long enough to go. (Just as a future reference, it has rained A LOT this month or two, even year. I heard the status(last month) that even if we got no more rain for the rest of the year, we would still not be in drought and be over our yearly rain average.) We had a great time. It warmed back up, it was mid 70's. Juliette and Jackson dressed up; Juliette as Snow White and Jackson as Optimus Prime Transformer. If you read back from last year we are really start to catch on to the easiest way to do this function (prebuy tickets, go the left, be there when it opens and new one-go to the first weekend). We got to ride the "spooky" train almost by ourselves (one other family). Jackson was a little scared but rightfully so at his age. It was full of funny grave yard signs, pumpkins and ghost. But when we got off he said :That was scary but fun." Then we asked if he wanted ride it again he quickly answered "NO". LOL He loved the Trick-or-Treating and the game area (golf, ball throw, fishing and a rollercoaster bike). We rode the backwards carousel. His favorite activity was talking to the "Great Pumpkin". The great pumpkin told Jackson he liked transformers and "Autobots Roll Out". Jackson thought that was so cool. We didn't do everything (hay ride, reptile show-no way(I am not even old enough for that), mad science lab, and the wild west show) due to both of them being a little young, maybe next year. I think Jackson enjoyed himself and Juliette did great. I love doing activities as a family, it makes wonderful memories.

Juliette's First MState Ball Game

We finally got a chance to take Juliette to a football game. OR should i say it finally stopped raining long enough for her to be able to go. Plus it was homecoming and unexpectedly chilly (60's). She sleep through the 2nd quarter and half time. They lost the game but it was still fun. Jackson had a fun time also. He loves to scream Get HIM, Get Him" and ringing his cowbell.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Pledge of Allegiance
I love to hear Jackson say the Pledge of Allegiance. So here is a treat (LOL)! You may need to turn the sound up a little.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Juliette - 10 months Old
Well our baby girl is 10 months old today. Where does all the time go? She has been such a blessing. She is such a happy baby. This month has brought much of the same as last. She is starting to take little cruising steps around furniture. She has learned that screaming REAL loud will get her attention. You look at her after the scream and she starts smiling. One of her favorite past times is to climb under the coffee table. Sometimes she will sit up underneath and she gets stuck and boy does she let you know. She started on real food this past month (veggies mushed up and french fries, LOL). But last night we had spaghetti and SHE LOVED IT. Of course I took pictures, to cute. We have been busy and will be for the rest of the month. But being busy means a lot of pictures, so much to look forward to.

MMMM...... GOOD...................

I had to undress her after that meal. So here is Chunky Munk standing at the table.

There she goes under the table. (yes she has a birth mark on the back of her leg).
MMMM...... GOOD...................
I had to undress her after that meal. So here is Chunky Munk standing at the table.
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