We went to Boo at the Zoo on Sunday. It again quit raining long enough to go. (Just as a future reference, it has rained A LOT this month or two, even year. I heard the status(last month) that even if we got no more rain for the rest of the year, we would still not be in drought and be over our yearly rain average.) We had a great time. It warmed back up, it was mid 70's. Juliette and Jackson dressed up; Juliette as Snow White and Jackson as Optimus Prime Transformer. If you read back from last year we are really start to catch on to the easiest way to do this function (prebuy tickets, go the left, be there when it opens and new one-go to the first weekend). We got to ride the "spooky" train almost by ourselves (one other family). Jackson was a little scared but rightfully so at his age. It was full of funny grave yard signs, pumpkins and ghost. But when we got off he said :That was scary but fun." Then we asked if he wanted ride it again he quickly answered "NO". LOL He loved the Trick-or-Treating and the game area (golf, ball throw, fishing and a rollercoaster bike). We rode the backwards carousel. His favorite activity was talking to the "Great Pumpkin". The great pumpkin told Jackson he liked transformers and "Autobots Roll Out". Jackson thought that was so cool. We didn't do everything (hay ride, reptile show-no way(I am not even old enough for that), mad science lab, and the wild west show) due to both of them being a little young, maybe next year. I think Jackson enjoyed himself and Juliette did great. I love doing activities as a family, it makes wonderful memories.

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