Thursday, August 12, 2010


It's time for a Jackson story!!!! The other day Jackson, Juliette and myself went out to eat with BunkBunk and Nanna. Well I asked Jackson what he wanted to be when he grew up and responded with a "Gician". It took us a few minutes to figure out what he meant and only after he told us "With a hat and a wand". Finally Bunkbunk figured out a magician is what he was saying. Then once we figured that out he said "YES". Then he said "I am going to Abracadabra Juju" (aka I am going to make her disappear). "Then mommy I make you disappear and you go t space and Juju goes to Mars" ONLY a 4 year old! I love that boy!!!!

These picture are from a Birthday party he went to! It was at a gymnastic center and he had a great time!

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