Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby Update

We went to the Dr this morning for our 22 weeks checkup. Everything is fine. The heartbeat was 168. Also i talked my Dr into letting me go back for a sex determination sonogram (hehehe). The answer we got last time was not a positive. As Jonathan says I'm a planner and have to know. So Jonathan was gracious enough to let me go spend more money on making sure. Well, the verdict is in

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

(Just as an FYI, i just know that she will grow a thingy and be a boy when she gets here, HAHAHAHA). We still don't have a definite name. As you can see the vote is close, but not many people have voted. It will come.

I can' wait to meet our precious little girl!!! We go back to the Dr in 5 weeks for a check up. Then we go on October 1 for our 4D ultrasound. Again more money but well worth it.

1 comment:

Matt and Emily said...

Congrats! It's good to know for sure. Matt and I had some last minute "what if the ultrasound was wrong - I hope she likes blue" moments, but fortunately it was right and we had our little boy! Have fun shopping in pink, lace, and more pink!