Happy Birthday baby boy!!!! I can't believe you are turning 3 today. Wow it just seems like yesterday we were awaiting your arrival into this world. So much has happen in the 3 short years of your life. We love you so much and our love only continues to grow. You came into our lives on December 1, 2005 at 5:17pm. You weighed 8lbs1oz and was 21.5in long. Everyone was at the hospital awaiting your arrival and so excited. As I look back and reflect on the past 3 years i can't believe that time went by so fast. I tried my hardest to treasure every moment with you. This past year has been the most fun because you were and are so active. We have done a lot this past year including the Circus, Disney, Florida, Aquarium, Playground and Zoo. You got to play in snow for the first time. You really started to talk. WOW the memories!!!! I hope you know how much your Dad and I love you!!! I will sign off with one of your favorite phrases Jackson- "It's couts, Mommy" and boy are you. PS you call yourself "My Jackson".
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