Our little girl is one today. She has brought so much joy to us. She is a little ray of sunshine. Ok I will continue the tradition of posting the number of things (as the number of months, 12 month=12 things) we want to remember about Juliette.
1. You took 5 whole steps today. So i will call that walking on your birthday. You walked from me to your teacher, Ms Becky. YAY!!!! You are still the faster crawler. You are quick!
2. You love giving and blowing kisses. It is so sweet. You do it so much that at Sam's the other day a group of ladies walked by and started talking to you and you started blowing kisses. To cute.
3. I believe you are the cutest baby on earth. I am partial but i truly believe you are a beautiful baby.
4. You love eating big people food. I believe i am done buying baby food.
5. We put you in a car seat (not the pumpkin seat). We could turn you around but you being so small i have chosen to leave you facing backwards, we will take this day by day.
6. You are spoiled rotten. HAHAHHAHA. We did it to you and it is not always a bad thing. ;)
7. You love to play with anything that your brother is playing with. You love to take something when he is not looking.
8. You are not a loner. I believe you will be a social butterfly. You can't stand for us to walk out of a room without you.
9. When you hear music or anyone singing to you you bounce up and down like your dancing.
10. You are smart. You know your socks and shoes go on your feet, your arms go in your jacket, the thermometer in your ear. These are just examples. You are a genius. HAHAHA!!
11. We can't decide if you are going to mean or sweet. You like to "hit" but you love to give hugs and kisses. I hope you pick the sweet route. But your brother loves to "love" on you. His "love" id hugging you until you fall down and scream. He is trying to be sweet but doesn't understand this may hurt. So we will see how this turns out. But you love your brother. You are still a Momma's girl and i love that about you.
12. You hate Santa. You scream your head off when you get near him. I don't know rather to laugh or cry with you. I hope this passes. But it is funny.
As anyone can read you are an active little girl. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. We love you!!
Here are some pictures the day Juliette was born and her birth announcement. Wow she was fat (but cute) when she was born, lol.

Here are some recent photos.
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