Her Stats:
24 and 3/4 inches Long (75%)
13lbs 7.5 oz (50%)
Head Circum 25%
As you can see she is growing like a little weed. I knew she had had a growth spurt but wow. The Dr says she will probably go back down to the 50% next time in length because that's where she has consistently been before.
She also received 4 shots and the rotovirus oral vac. She was fine yesterday but woke up this morning with a fever of 101.5. So she is home today with Jonathan.
Dr also said she needed to start sleeping through the night, that there was no nutritional need at her age in the middle of the night. She told me to let her cry it out and that in 3 or 4 nights she would be broke of the habit. We will see. LORD, please give me the strength that I need to do this. For some reason i am having a hard time in letting things like this go, i keep saying she is not ready when i know she is. The dr also said we could start her on foods. To start with cereal then work our way thru veggies then fruit. BUT she said we didn't have to start right away just before 6 month. But we give her cereal at night (in the bottle) anyways (shame on us for starting early, hahahaha). I guess we will start the veggies sometime in May. Does anyone know how to slow up time, because my baby is growing way to quick? I know this is a blessing but before i know it she will be 3 like Jackson and he will be six (OH NO). Then they will both be in college, aaaaawwww, i must stop this. I love my babies!!!! Please say a small prayer for us as we listen to a baby scream during the middle of the night ( we will see, wink, wink).
15 Minutes later(or less) after about half of the bottle.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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