Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Player Player

HAHAHA!!! We were told by Jackson's Teacher that he has a new "girlfriend". My first question was "A NEW girlfriend?" and "What happened to the OLD girlfriend?" The response was "oh yes Jackson likes all the girls". Jackson holds his new girlfriends hand when they are playing. Her name is Linley. The teacher then informed me that the old girlfriend, Campbell, is still played with just not holding her hand. I was also informed he prefers the girls with Dark hair and Blue Eyes. I guess it is true you try to find a mate that looks like your momma, hahahahaha. Then the other day Jackson has started making Jonathan take him to the "big" potty before going into the class where he greets his new girlfriend.
On top of that the other day at soccer practice Jackson keep holding a little girls hand. It is funny to watch him in action. Our son the player!!!

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