Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Mayer Concert

We went to the John Mayer Concert last night, we being Jonathan, myself, my mom and dad. We had a good time. But it also proves I can't party like i use not that i use, a lot). WOW it was loud. The concert started at 8pm with the opening act and John came out at 9:30. Ok, let me just say usually by 9:30 I am in bed or getting ready for bed. JM sang mostly his new stuff, so it was not what i expected. It was good but he just didn't play a lot that i could sing along with. When i go to concert I love to sing along, that's the best part. Jonathan enjoyed it more then any of us. Mom liked it but dad was less them impressed. We had good seats, we sat on the floor row 21, so we were close (the pictures don't really show that). But being on the floor of course you don't sit, so unless i knew the song i was sitting (and was keep company by my less then impressed dad). We got home after midnight. Funny part: Jackson sleep in the bed with Jonathan and I, so mom and dad could have his room. I turned the monitor off in his room and thought i turned it off in ours also. Juliette is getting a cold so i figured she would whimper/cry off and on all night. The couple of times i went into check on her, after hearing a cry, she was a sleep so i covered her back up. Well this morning at 6 am I hear a cry and I go in and rock her and then put her in our bed. So the whole family is in our bed awake and playing. Well about 5 minutes later we hear a baby cry, at which point Jonathan looks at the kids then me and says "What the he!! is that?" Well I had not turned the monitor off I had changed the channel. So all those baby's cries I heard was not Juliette. So needless to say i had very little sleep last night and am exhausted.

Oh another funny part. During the intermission Jonathan and I started talking about the Dr who delivered Juliette (Dr Hudson). I just love him, he is so sweet. Then I looked up and there he stood (yes Dr Hudson). I waved thinking he will not know who I am but he recognized me and waved back and asked where the baby was. haha. I immediately laughed thinking that is his standard question. Because let's face it he delivers a lot of babies. I asked my mom if she recognized him and she said no and i told her that is the man who delivered Juliette, she laughed (laughing because he looks younger then he is). When the concert was over he walked up and hugged my neck and introduced his wife to me. To avoid any uncomfortable pause I introduced myself by name to her, because let's face it again he has a lot of patient and what makes me any different, plus come on I had my clothes on, LOL!!!!!(this is suppose to be funny so i hope you are laughing). If you haven't figured out my Doctor is on the young side, I think he is 37.

Oh and I forgot my camera. I guess if it doesn't involve the kids the camera is a distant thought. Mom got some good video on her phone, i just have to figure out how i can get them. So here are the limited pics I got with my cell phone. I look fat but i am blaming that on the angle and the camera. Believe it or not we didn't drink, just goes to show my theory on blame it on the camera.

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