I was starting to think I wasn't in the south anymore. Just to be clear I HATE COLD WEATHER. Being in the south we have mild winters (USUALLY) and hot summers. Well this winter has been COOOOLLLLLDDDDD, and did i mention I HATE COLD WEATHER. This is why i could not live up north, i am a winy when it comes to cold weather. Normally it doesn't get cold until November (and when i say cold i mean in the 40's). But the cold started in October. So it has been a long cold winter, i believe we hit some record lows and it has never snowed more then Twice a year but it snow more then three time last month. ANYWHO, you get my point it has been cold. With it being cold and oh yeah i forgot to mention we have also had record breaking rain. So yes, cold and wet, aarrggghhhh! So cold and wet make it hard for us to go outside and enjoy. Well this past weekend it was beautiful, temps in the 60 and sunshine. Still not as hot as i would like but good enough. Well wouldn't you know the kids were sick. (which is another rant I should go on, sickness). Friday/Saturday, Juliette had the stomach bug and Saturday/Sunday (plus this week) Jackson has a horrible cough and fever. But on Sunday I just couldn't resist the temptation of going outside. Plus my dad really didn't give me a choice, before i knew it the kids were outside playing with BunkBunk. We had a wonderful time. Even Monnie and Pappaw (My father's parents) came over to see you us. I think we tried out everything my parents have outside: playset, running around the yard, playing with push cars, sidewalk chalk (drawing and hop scotch), dogs, fishing poles, playing in the dirt, picking weeds aka flowers and of course them. We enjoyed ourselves, me included. The only thing i hate is that we didn't get to see Poppa G and Gran B (we didn't want to take the sickness over to their house.)
So thank you GOD for parting the clouds and rotating the earth. We enjoyed the wonderful weather.
So thank you GOD for parting the clouds and rotating the earth. We enjoyed the wonderful weather.

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